Media Coverage
A selection of appearances by and articles about Ralph Gomory.
Ralph Gomory (2017) Interview by Irv Lustig, CAP
INFORMS History & Tradition, May 10, 2017IBM Centennial Film They Were There – People who changed the way the world works
YouTube April 2014
The American Dilemma: The Damage of Globalization on the American Economy
The Liberty Web, February 17, 2017
American Institute of Physics, July 19, 2010
Fresh Take on Trade: Ralph Gomory’s Storied Research Career Has Taken a New Turn
ForwardOnline, July/August 2007
Corporate Guru Sees Trouble in Globalization; U.S. Companies Need to Invest at Home
USA Today, May 3, 2007
The Establishment Rethinks Globalization
The Nation, April 19, 2007
Gomory and Rodrik, Free-Trade Skeptics
Wall Street Journal, March 28, 2007
Company vs. Country: Do Corporate Interests Conflict with National Interests?
The Open Mind, PBS, January 22, 2007
At the Frontiers of Science and Technology
Williams Alumni Review, Fall 2004
Economic Policy and the National Interest
The Open Mind, PBS, July 4, 2004
Thinking the Unthinkable in Order to Deal With It
The Open Mind, PBS, April 10, 2003
Making Big Gains From Small Steps: Constantly improving existing products, says IBM’s former top scientist, is as critical as developing new ones.
Fortune Magazine, April 23, 1990